Are Labradors Dangerous?

I have always considered a Labrador to be a wonderful pet and addition to any home. A Labrador is a very friendly, fun-loving, and loyal pet. While a Labrador can be a great addition to a home, some are concerned that a Labrador could be somewhat dangerous in some situations. I did some research on whether Labradors are dangerous, and here is what I found? 

So, are Labradors dangerous? While there are people that may be concerned about the dangers of adding any pet to the household, a Labrador does not pose any additional risk and is considered much safer than many other dog breeds. A Labrador is a great family pet and addition to any home.

In most situations, adding a Labrador to your family could be a great addition. There are several reasons why they are considered amazing pets and are not dangerous. 

Why a Lab is Not a Dangerous Dog

There are several reasons why a Labrador is a great family pet and should not be a concern of yours. 

  • Very Friendly 
    • At their core, a Labrador is a very friendly pet that is social and fun to play with. A Labrador will quickly trust their owners and can provide plenty of great memories for you and your family. Unlike some other breeds of dogs, a Labrador is very unlikely to attack another animal, child or any other person. 
  • Smart Animals Can be Trained 
  • Another advantage of getting a Labrador is that they are very smart. A Labrador is considered to be one of the smartest types of dogs and they can be easily trained. This means that even if you get a young puppy that seems out of control, going through a full obedience process could result in the dog being well behaved and in control. 
  • Less Likely to Cause Injury 
    • Today, there are plenty of records kept about whether or not certain dog breeds are more likely or not to cause injuries based on attacks and/or bitings. Despite having a very high population, biting incidents involving Labradors are very low on the list. Furthermore, a Labrador bite is very weak compared to other dog breeds. This means, that even if a Labrador was to bite, it likely would not cause much harm. 

While Labradors are almost never a concern or danger, there can always be a situation in which they could pose risk to an owner. 

Why a Lab Could be Considered Dangerous

While a Labrador is generally considered to be a very friendly pet, they do pose some risks and concerns. These are a few reasons why some people consider a Labrador to be dangerous in some situations. 

  • Energetic and Unpredictable 
    • One reason why a Labrador could be considered dangerous is that they can be energetic and unpredictable. Particularly when they are young puppies, a Labrador could have a lot of energy and be likely to run into people without warning. While this is not an issue for most people, it could be problematic for younger kids and the elderly. Due to this risk, you should try to be cautious whenever you are in a setting in which a vulnerable person could be knocked down or get hurt. 
  • Could Feel Threatened 
  • Another situation in which a Labrador could be dangerous is if they feel threatened. In most situations, a Labrador is very trusting and friendly. However, there are times in which fun games can get out of control. If you are playing with a Labrador and the game gets to physical, the dog could feel threatened and may fight back. Because of this, you should make sure that you remain in control with the dog and are able to identify warning signs that the dog is no longer having fun. 
  • Trained for Guard Duty 
  • Finally, a Labrador is a very smart dog and can be trained for a variety of purposes. This can include being bred and trained to defend and guard a home or other environment. If you are getting an older Labrador from a shelter or rescue, you need to make sure that you know its full background. If the dog was bred and trained to be a guard dog, it could pose a variety of challenges that you need to take into consideration. 

How to Prepare Your Labrador to Ensure it is Safe

If you do get a Labrador, there are several things that you can do to ensure it is a safe dog to be around. 

  • Training 
  • The most important thing that you could do for your Labrador would be to train it as well as possible. All dogs, especially those that are very young, need to be properly trained. This is especially true for a Labrador as they can be very energetic and are excitable. When you first get your Labrador, you should have it signed up for obedience classes immediately, which will allow it to learn proper and safe habits. 
  • Proceed with Caution 
  • When you are bringing a new Labrador home for the first time, you need to remember to proceed with caution. While a Labrador is generally a very happy animal, one that is in a new environment could react negatively. Because of this, you should consider being very cautious for the first few weeks. This should also include warning kids and other parties about coming up and petting your dog unexpectedly. 
  • Keep it Healthy 
  • If you want your Labrador to react in a positive fashion, you need to be able to keep it healthy. A Labrador needs to receive a proper diet full of a balanced mix of vitamins and protein while also getting quality rest. This will have to include making sure you invest in quality food, a good dog bed, and ensure that you take your new Lab to the veterinarian as soon as possible. 
  • Provide Happy and Positive Attention 
  • Ultimately, your Labrador’s behavior is going to feed off of yours. If you want a Labrador that is happy and energetic, you will need to make sure that you treat it well and treat your lab with care. This will have to include making sure that you provide it with plenty of attention and get it enough exercise on a daily basis. 

Additional Questions

What should I do if my Labrador does not react well towards other people or kids? 
If you get a Labrador that does not seem friendly, or even seems aggressive towards adults, kids, or other animals, it is important that you keep a leash on them whenever you are outside. However, you should not completely shy away from keeping your dog away from the general public. Over time, your dog will feel more and more comfortable being around other people and animals. However, until that occurs, you need to keep a close eye on your Labrador. 

Can I tell if a Labrador will be friendly or dangerous? 
While you can never know the full extend of a Labrador’s personality, there are ways to tell if the dog poses any particular risks. One of the most important things to understand is the background of the dog. If it was trained to be aggressive, or has a history of abuse, there could be a higher risk that it could be dangerous to smaller kids or animals. Also, if the Labrador tends to growl when you meet it or seems aggressive, you should proceed with caution. However, even a dog that has a harder past or personality could still make for a great pet depending on your situation.