Are Labradors Good With Children?

I have always known that a Labrador retriever is a friendly, loyal, and great pet for adults. However, those with kids need to wonder whether their Labrador will get along with the children. I did some research on the subject and here is what I found out. 

So, are Labradors good with children? Overall, Labradors are considered to be among the best dog breeds for children. These dogs tend to be friendly, enthusiastic, and even-tempered. However, they can also be very energetic, bouncy, and require a lot of exercise, which is something all owners need to be prepared for. 

Having a dog is a great experience for kids as it can provide them with a lot of joy and teach responsibility. In most situations, a Labrador can be a great addition to any home with children. Let’s go over some reasons why adding a Labrador to your family could be a great idea. 

Why a Labrador is a Great Pet Option for Kids

One of the main reasons why a Labrador is a great pet for kids is that they are very active and always ready to play. Compared to other types of dogs, a Labrador will always be up for anything. Many younger kids are able to enjoy playing fetch with a ball or Frisbee or simply spending time running around in the backyard. 

Labradors are also very social animals, which make them ideal for families with kids. While there are some dog breeds that do not like children due to the fact that they are unpredictable and do not respect personal space, a Labrador tends to love that attention. A trained lab can be easily taught to have the socialization skills that are necessary to deal with the unpredictable nature of young kids. 

Many families also enjoy Labradors because they can be easier to groom than other pets. A Labrador will have a short double-coat of fur, which provides it with plenty of warmth in the winter. While a Labrador can shed quite a bit during the start of summer, it is normally very manageable to deal with. Ideally, you should brush the Labrador at least once per month in the winter and at least once per week during the summer when shedding it as its peak. This should help you to control the amount of fur that can accumulate around your home. 

Most importantly, a Labrador is a very friendly, dependable, and loyal dog. While you always need to have caution and avoid leaving your Labrador in the same room with a young child, these dogs are extremely trustworthy. Your kids will grow up loving the Labrador due to its friendly demeanor and loyalty and they will have years of great memories. 

If you are thinking about getting a Labrador for your home, it is important that you are prepared for it. There are several things that you can do that can help you to prepare your home and family for your new addition. 

How to Prepare for Your Labrador

While a Labrador is a great addition to your home, they do require work and preparation. There are several things in particular that you could do that could help to ensure that you are ready for when your new dog comes home for the first time. 

Equipment and Accessories 
To provide your new dog with a great life, you will need to invest in a variety of pieces of equipment and accessories. Some of the key items that you will need will include:

  • New dog bed or crate,
  • Dog bowls
  • Lease,
  • Outdoor play toys
  • Indoor chew toys
  • Brush and other grooming supplies
  • Plenty of food to provide a healthy diet

Fortunately, you can pick all of this up at a local pet supply store. 

Veterinarian Visit 
Before you even bring your new Labrador home, you should make sure that you have a vet appointment on the schedule. Providing great care for your dog will require that you take it to the vet at least once per year. After getting your Labrador, the vet will be able to give it a quick checkup to make sure that it is healthy. 

Adding a new Labrador, especially if it is a puppy, will require a lot work and training at first. Ideally, you should start training your new Labrador as soon as you bring it home. If it is available to you, taking your dog to professional dog training classes could prove to be very beneficial and have a dramatic improvement on the training progress. 

Set New Schedule 
Adding a new Labrador to your home will be a bit of a change. This will require all people in your home to work together to ensure the Labrador is properly cared for. You should make sure that the family schedule is updated to account for walks, feedings, and outdoor playtime. 

Prep The Home 
If you are adding a new puppy to your home, you need to be ready for them to be slightly destructive. Until they are more used to your home, their natural inclination could be to chew on anything in sight. Because of this, you need to make sure that your puppy is confined to certain areas of the home where there are no valuable or furniture that they can destroy. 

What Else to Look for in a Labrador?

While a Labrador is generally a good pet and addition to your family, each Labrador is different from the next. There are several factors to consider when determining whether a Labrador is right for you. 

You should make sure that you spend time with each Labrador before choosing to bring one home. When you are doing this, you should get a sense of the temperament of the dog. Since a home full of kids can be hectic and stressful at times, you should look for one that can remain calm in these situations. If the Labrador you are considering does not handle loud noises or lots of activity well, you may want to choose a different dog. 

The size range of a Labrador is actually quite large. Smaller females can be as small as just over 50 pounds while larger males can grow to be more than 80 pounds. If you live in a home that is smaller with less outdoor space to run around, getting one that is on the smaller end would be a good option. If you are buying a puppy, you should ask the breeder what the parents’ sizes are as it will be a good predictor for the ultimate size of the dog. 

Where to Get the Labrador 
Finally, when you are looking for a new Labrador, you will have plenty of options to choose from. If you are looking for a puppy, you should find a breeder that is responsible and has a good reputation. If you are looking for an older dog that has been trained, you should look with local shelters to see if they have any Labradors available. 

Additional Questions

How can I get my kids comfortable with the Labrador? 
Even though a Labrador is a great option for kids, there will undoubtedly be some things that both the dog and kids will need to get used to. If your child is timid or afraid of the dog, it is important to start the acclimation process slow. As opposed to letting your new dog run freely around your home, you should confine it to certain areas of the property. This will allow your kids to spend time with the dog when it wants to. Also, you need to set a good example by showing appropriate friendly behavior with the dog. 

How can I get my kids involved with the care of the Labrador? 
If you have a Labrador, it is a good idea to get your kids involved with them as much as possible. Having a dog that they need to care for is a great way to teach responsibility and will also allow your kids and pet to bond. The chores that you have for each child should be based on the age and maturity of the kid. Even younger kids could help on a daily basis by providing the dog with food and water. Older kids could even be tasked with taking the dog for a daily walk or cleaning up after the animal.