How Big Do Labradors Get?

When I was searching for a new dog for my family, I wanted to find one that fit in with our lifestyle. Of course, a large part of that is the animal’s size. In our case, we wanted one that was big enough to play with but not so large that we would have difficulty leash-training it. As such, when my friend suggested adopting a Labrador puppy, I decided to do some research to see how big they get. 

So then, how big do Labradors get? The size of a Labrador will vary depending on their sex. A male Labrador will grow to be 22-24 inches tall and 64-79 lbs in weight. A female Labrador will also grow to 22-24 inches tall but will only weigh 55-71 lbs. 

This seemed about the right size for our family. However, I wanted to see what other factors might go into determining the dog’s eventual height and weight. 

What Factors Determine A Labrador’s Size?

Having learned about the size of an average Labrador, I was pretty convinced that they were the right dog for us. But then I started thinking about other Labradors that I had encountered in the past. Some of them were definitely smaller than average, and a few were quite a bit larger than average. In my research, I learned that there are a number of different reasons why a dog might be bigger or smaller than usual. 

Just like in humans, genetics plays a large role in determining the size of a Labrador. As such, one of the best ways to determine how large a puppy will be when it grows up is to look at its parents. If its parents are both quite little, there is a good chance that the puppy will follow suit. On the flip side, if the parents are pretty sizable, the puppy is likely to grow up to be larger than average. 

Nutrition also plays a vital role in a puppy’s growth. As you might expect, a dog that has been underfed is likely to be much more diminutive than their well-nourished cousins. Of course, this also means that a dog that has been overfed is likely to be quite heavy. Neither overfeeding nor underfeeding is healthy for a dog and should be avoided where possible. 

Finally, I learned that a certain amount of random chance goes into determining a dog’s size. A Labrador can have two large parents, be provided with plenty of the best food, and still grow up to be below average in height and weight. Factors such as genetics and nourishment simply shift the odds one way or the other. 

When Do Labradors Stop Growing?

With all of this information in mind, I then began to wonder how long it would actually take for our new furry friend to become fully grown. That is, to reach its maximum height and weight. 

My research taught me that Labrador’s reach their final height long before they hit their final weight. At around the one-year mark, a Labrador will have become about as tall as they are ever going to be. Any growth beyond this point is really about filling them out. 

At that one-year point, the Labrador will only be around 75% of their eventual weight. They will likely be around 18 months old before they stop filling out their natural weight. 

Since Labrador’s have completed all of their growing before the age of two, any weight changes beyond this point should be carefully monitored by the owner. Sudden weight gain in adult dogs may be a sign of illness, pregnancy, or simply overfeeding. Be sure to speak to your veterinarian if you aren’t sure. 

Though each dog will grow at their own pace, this information should give you a general idea of what you can expect. 

As your puppy is growing, it is possible to estimate what their final size will be. Doubling the animal’s weight at 4 months old can give you a decent ballpark idea of how large they will eventually become. 

Related Questions

During my research into the size and growth of Labradors, I discovered the answers to some other interesting questions, such as: 

How much exercise do Labradors need in order to maintain their weight?
In order to keep an adult Labrador at a healthy weight, it is recommended that you provide them with around 1 hour of fairly vigorous exercise per day. Running, swimming, and playing fetch are all good exercises to keep your Labrador happy and healthy. 

Which snacks and treats can help a Labrador to remain at a healthy weight?
Snacks and treats should always be provided in moderation when trying to maintain a dog’s weight. However, raw carrots, apple slices, fish skin, pigs ears, and watermelons are all delicious and nutritious snacks for your Labrador. 

What can you do if your Labrador is overweight?
The best way to help a Labrador return to their ideal weight is through diet and exercise. Reduce their meal portion sizes and avoid feeding them too many carbohydrates and high-fiber foods. Instead, opt for foods that are rich in protein. 

Once their diet has been normalized, you will be able to exercise them more. Begin by taking them for short walks. As their fitness returns, try to lengthen those walks and eventually turn them into jogs or even swims. Vigorous exercise is an important part of a Labrador’s health and wellbeing. 

If your dog’s weight remains unchanged, you may need to speak with your veterinarian to see if there is an underlying medical issue. 

What can you do if your Labrador is underweight?
Being underweight is not good for a dog’s health. It can leave them weak and susceptible to injury and illness. To help their Labrador gain weight, it is recommended that owners provide the animal with additional high-calorie, high-protein foods. If the dog does not want to eat the food, owners can try switching to a different food that the dog is more fond of. 

As the dog gains weight, remember to exercise it daily. This will help to ensure that the dog remains muscular and healthy instead of simply becoming plump and fat. 

If efforts to help the animal gain weight are unsuccessful, a trip to the vet may be necessary. There may be a medical issue that is preventing the Labrador from returning to a healthy weight. 

What is the smallest dog breed?
The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. An adult Chihuahua can reach 6-9 inches in height and 3-6 lbs in weight. 

What is the largest dog breed?
The Irish Wolfhound is widely regarded to be the largest dog breed in the world – at least in terms of height. A fully grown Irish Wolfhound stands around 34-36 inches tall and can weigh as much as 140 lbs. 

However, when it comes to weight, the English Mastiff is king. An adult English Mastiff can grow to be 30 inches tall and can weigh in at about 250 lbs.